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WOD 15/06/2020


3 Sets of:

10 Ring Rows
10 Tricep Dips
6-8 Tempo Hammer Bicep Curls with Db
6-8 Double Db Tempo Push Presses

*Rest 45sec between sets


For Time:

3 Rounds of:
16 Alt. Hang Db Squat Cleans (22.5/15 kg)
16 Burpees Over Db
16 Toes to Bar / Knees to Chest
12 Alt. Hang Db Squat Cleans
12 Burpees Over Db
12 Toes to Bar / Knees to Chest
8 Alt. Hang Db Squat Cleans
8 Burpees Over Db
8 Toes to Bar / Knees to Chest

*Rest 1min between rounds

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